Organic Soy Wax Candle Workshop


Organic Soy Wax Candle Workshop 〰️

  • Melting pitcher, 7oz candle vessel, wick, tab, clothespin, thermometer, organic soy wax, assortment of fragrance oils (varies)

    For double candle kits: Receive double all materials except thermometer and pitcher.

  • Atendees of virtual workshops must have access to a stove top (or microwave) and a small pot.

  • 1 hour (Virtual)

    2 hours (In-person)

  • In this workshop, students will learn the science behind making their own organic soy wax candle. We use clean ingredients to ensure your easy breathing. Virtual class attendees must have access to a stove top (or microwave) and a small pot.

    In-person workshops will be provided a personal electric burner per guest.